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Enhanced Web Development

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I am a web developer with more than 18 years of experience, I have dabbled in various areas of web development such as interface design, user experience, backend development and devops.


Modern fullstack developer, leader, innovator, with strong convictions in web development.

  • Fullname: Ivan Omar Bravo Carlos
  • Job: Web Developer
  • Github: www.github.com/ivnbrv
  • Email: ivan@cubik.media


Apart from the skills as a web developer, I have experience to handle medium and large-scale teams.

  • 90%
    Web Design / UX / UI
  • 88%
    Back-End Development
  • 80%
    Mobile Development
  • 95%
    Agile Coaching

More of my credentials.

I have worked on numerous projects throughout my career, as a freelancer and as external support to entrepreneurships and technological proposals, but among all of them there are 4 companies in which I have stood out

Work Experience

React / React Native Engineer

June 2021 - March 2023

Evolución Apps

During my stay with evolution apps I was promoted to join the team that attended a project written in ReactJS ReactNative called Nova Space Program, a course focused on young enthusiasts in mathematics, physics and astronomy.

My main role was to create the user interfaces described in the course design, using json files as a source of information on a ReactJS framework written by the company that employed us, Allen Interactions.

Here I had the opportunity to develop more with React applying development principles such as SOLID, DRY, KISS in all the components and interfaces in which I participated.

My last project was at eSub Engineering where I participated as a mobile development engineer, making react native components and developing services for GraphQL consumption, we worked under the SCRUM / Agile framework complying. We implement different design patterns such as Singleton, Atomic Design, Higher-Order Components, Provider Pattern, as well as the use of SASS and unit tests with Jest.

I gained more experience developing apps with react native and I was able to function properly in a highly efficient and agile team.

With a duration of approximately 9 months, the project was delivered on time and under the stipulated roadmap.

Sr Software Engineer

January 2020 - December 2021

Paxico Technologies

I started working for Paxico on January 2, 2020, in an educational system in which we implemented a monorepo with different services on the backend and with React on the front end, we implemented Domain Driven Design as a design pattern, then continuing with an ott application for streaming video using Youi.tv framework and React Native.


  • Implementation of DDD on Monorepo
  • Functional Front-end Design on React
  • Added C++ Modules to Youi Framework

Head of Innovation

April 2016 - August 2019

G-Global Agencia Aduanal

My main role was to direct the development team towards the objectives of the company, in mobile solutions, web as well as in integrations of legacy systems to coordinate integrations with SAP 4 / Hana.
Develop and implement release strategies with DevOps and architecture as a code with Ansible. Scrum / Agile implementation and follow-up on monday.com.
On the administrative matter, my main objective was to complete the quarterly periods that the company required us to deliver with satisfactory indicators.


  • PHP Framework Development for main platform - Software Design for Mobile Apps
  • Software Design for Electron Web Apps
  • Cross-Platforms Chat Service
  • Redis / Mongo Cache Service for Sessions and Web Cache - Jenkins Pipeline for Git Releases and Docker Deployment - Docker Containerized Services
  • SAP / 4HANA Integrations on SD / MM / FI
  • EDI / AS2 Implementation 9XX Document Transmissions - Use Case Design with Proyect Owners
  • 100% Burned Down Sprints in 3 Years. ( 405sp/Sprint)

Head of Engineering

May 2012 - June 2015

IP Media River

As Lead Developer, I was in charge of a team of 3 people, a graphic interface designer and two back end Internet Pages, Technical Support among others.

As Head of Engineering, my goal was to bring new business to the company. Writing quotes, deployment estimates, project scopes, use cases. I was in charge of collection and creating successful customer-supplier relationships. management.


  • G-Global’s First version of their PHP / MySQL Platform - Laboratorios Grisi Projects (grisi.com)
  • HGH Suppliers eCommerce Website
  • Implementation of Vue.js In our proyects
  • Leading as creative director for all of our clients business websites - Lifting Sales in 200% over the last 2 years as General Manager

Lead Software Engineer

January 2007 - April 2020


My main role in ABIS-Group is as a service provider, for all the sites, systems and apps of the company, there are 5 products that currently sell online, of which I have participated in the development and design of all throughout 12 years old

I have the confidence to advise and propose new technologies for the improvement of the company, as well as the contracting of services, implementation of new methodologies, recruitment of freelance resources among other consulting activities.


  • Leading Re-Design of Service Websites
  • eCommerce on all Services
  • Design and Development of all websites and apps of the group.


Check Out Some of My Works.

This are just a few projects in wich i have beeing involve end-to-end.

Check out my GitHub Profile

If you are looking for more technical specs have a look into my public repositories


What Can I Do For You?

I put at your disposal different services for all your business needs, because in the modern world, everything on the internet must be tailored, personalized and focused on the growth of companies, who like you, are looking for the best services in the Web.


Last Year Contributions


Active Repositories


Years of Experience


Innovation Projects

I'd Love To Hear From You.

If I have convinced you and you are interested in working with me, do not hesitate to send me a message with more sizes of your needs. Assessment and quote are completely free!

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Where to find me

Looking for locations yet :(

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Call Me At

Mobile: (+52) 663 1184129